The first tamping machine in the south-west
In 1959, LEONHARD WEISS took efficiency in track construction to a new level with the introduction of the first tamping machine, the VKR 03. Since then, the ideas of our employees have continuously contributed to technical developments that have continuously improved the company.

The birth of modern training at LEONHARD WEISS
The "new" training at LEONHARD WEISS in accordance with the recently introduced dual training system began in the 1970s with the first road construction apprentice. The company prioritised apprenticeship over economic thinking, leadership and cooperation at eye level. These have been the key success factors for over 50 years of training at LEONHARD WEISS.

Training as a pillar for the future
Without its young trainees, LEONHARD WEISS would not be what it is today. The fact that trainees could become the experts and managers of tomorrow was recognised early on: when the company was founded, Leonhard Weiß also started to train people in the various construction areas and promote expertise. In 1972, the family business began training apprentices in accordance with official legal requirements and continues to invest heavily in the opportunities and optimal framework conditions for its new recruits to this day.