The mission statement – a common compass of values
In 1989, some 500 LEONHARD WEISS employees drew up a mission statement. Its wealth of ideas shapes the working atmosphere, enables co-determination and strengthens the companys identity. It continues to influence our daily dealings with colleagues, customers and partners, as well as our social responsibility.

A client knows when I build with LEONHARD WEISS: It may not always be the most favourable offer. But what LW offers me, is what I get at the end. And if a WEISS tells me: ‘I can do it two months earlier’, then he will. Expertise and an extremely good reputation; customers who recommend us to others – we already have that in our mission statement.
Without the staff, I always say, without you I'm nothing. Here I am, I'm nothing. The big building sites - without my people, nothing works. I can pack up. I think a company stands or falls with its people. And, of course, a little bit with the structure.

The merger of the main sites – a new era of cooperation begins
The merger of the Crailsheim and Göppingen sites involved a complete restructuring of the company. On this new basis, the company continues to flourish today.